Online Community

Building an online community isn’t easy. Trust us, you aren’t alone if you feel that you are constantly checking engagement, likes, followers, and comments. Making sure that your audience likes your content and isn’t going to switch over to your competitor is part of social media but the challenge is pleasing your whole online community…



So you have an Instagram page for your business and it’s doing well. You have many followers on there and your posts seem to get quite a bit of interaction. Sounds great right? But are your followers actually your customers? And if not, how can you turn a follower into a loyal customer? Make your…



It cannot be argued that social media is the way forward for businesses. Facebook, Twitter, and even Snapchat are all being utilizing by businesses to gain traffic to theirs websites and accounts. Let’s focus a little on one of the main influencers of social media. Instagram launched in 2010 and rapidly gained popularity and grew…



Having competition can be beneficial for your business. The competition allows you to take notes from an outside perspective from a similar business while also driving you forward in order to keep up with your environment. Competitive research is crucial in the marketing world and can be extremely beneficial but and here’s that dreaded ‘but’…



Improving SEO is on everyone’s minds these days and unfortunately having a good link-building strategy is not enough. Link building can be very useful but has become overused over time.



Everything is fast these days. Fast food, fast cars even dating these days has taken the fast route and become speed dating. It is clear that in today’s world we are seeking out speed and efficiency. If this is something that your business is lacking then it will be the fall of your success. When…
