
Your website is an important part of your marketing strategy. Think of your homepage as meeting someone for the first time. First impressions really do make an impact and will set the tone for the rest of the interaction.


Digital Skills Training

We’ve all heard of digital skills training, but what does it really involved, and is it important in today’s world? The majority of people know how to turn on a computer and use it. So, why is digital training even needed?



When you think of billboards that attract consumers, what do you think of? Probably big, colourful fonts and messages that are on your face. This is doesn’t quite translate the same online.


Search Retargeting

Have you ever heard of search retargeting? Well, when a user searches for something online many options will pop up, usually, top companies and businesses will be listed at the top as these will be dominating that certain market. So what do businesses do, when they are trying to gain popularity and attract customers to their site? Well, this is where search retargeting comes into the picture.  
