The online world has definitely aided marketers in getting their point across. With so many different channels and mediums to use, it can become difficult to master them. We went from sending leaflets and letters to being able to advertise with the click of a button by sending a simple email. Emails are a cheap and effective way to get your point across while reaching large audiences but there is a downside. We all get multiple emails a day and thus we tend to scan through them, only opening those we deem important. So how can you ensure that your email will get the attention of a potential customer?
Avoid poor subject lines. When we scan through our emails we glance at the subject, this takes a second, once our brains deem it as unnecessary that’s it. Here are some tips when coming up with a subject! Don’t trick people into opening up your mail but promising something false. This may get some to open the email but they will soon delete it when they realize it isn’t truthful. Aim for your subjects to add value to the potential consumer and avoid filler. Try to make it sound professional and personalized rather than sensational. Avoid using all caps as this comes across as needy and desperate.
The first line needs to be worthy. This gives a preview to the rest of the email and thus shows readers if it’s worth continuing to read the email. The first line of an article needs to grab the attention of the reader so think of your email as the same.
Avoid sending out emails that do not allow a reply. If your potential customers have any questions, they will want to be able to easily ask and if they aren’t allowed to reply well you can bet that they won’t go out of their way to track down a company email that allows them to send mail to. Provide readers with a way to easily get in touch. You can provide a link to the contact us page where readers can send their queries.
If you sound untrustworthy, you won’t go far. Readers are more cautious these days and are unlikely to open mail that is fishy so make sure to sound professional throughout and offer a way to unsubscribe to mail. Although you may lose a few readers, it is better to be trustworthy than gain a reputation of being a scam.
Go easy on images. Images can really make your content come alive but having too many graphics will take away from the point of your message. When it comes to images, keep in mind a little goes a long way.
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